My Story

We’re all on that journey to find ourselves right? Mine started about 5 years ago. This will sound a little cliche, but I began to discover who I was when I met my husband. I had a little problem with emotional distribution. All of my thoughts, desires, and sadly- decisions were based on the opinion of others. What others wanted was what I wanted. The sad part was I didn’t even realize it. Not until my husband asked me, “What do you want?”

39fa9d75accf990f127c1564fbd2dca9No one had ever asked me that. I was forced to define myself, and there was nothing. Over a few years of unpacking my baggage and building myself up into what would be Bethany Mullins, things started falling into place. My relationships were rich, I laughed more, I began investing in people who I liked rather then people I was supposed to like. It was freeing to do things that I wanted to do. I gave in to self growth and awareness, and I want everyone to experience it’s freedom.

How I transformed into a health nut….well

I found I enjoyed nutrition. I began to see food in a whole new way. Something so universal yet so personal could effect everyone down to their very cellular makeup. I wanted to be apart of the movement that points people back to themselves and how they feel about food, how their food makes them feel and what’s the answer for them. I like helping people on a deep level. And food has become such an emotional catalyst for our health and happiness. I wanted to make a difference.

I signed up for school at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. It was just the thing I was looking for. I received my certification in March 2013, and I’m right now I’m a certified health coach ready to take on the world.

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